• A rare disease
• It includesyoung children/adults with mental disorder and habit of eating scalp hair. Itis called “trichotillomania”.
• These hairs arenot digested in the body and bunches of them get trapped in the stomach orsmall intestine.
• It is presentedto patients with abdominal pain or intestinal obstruction.
• Can bediagnosed by sonography, X-ray or CT scan.
• The operationis usually performed through an open abdomen (laparotomy) and the organ inwhich the hair is trapped is opened and the tufts are removed and the organ isclosed.
• But here wehave performed an operation with the help of a telescope (laparoscopy) andcured the patient by removing the bunches from the stomach.
• Patient iseating and drinking without any problem.
• The patient andhis parents have been counseled and discharged by a psychiatric specialist.
• The patient isnow fully recovered.